Aim: To investigate the extent to which CLIL (context and language integrated learning) can be used effectively to make links between the learning of languages and other aspects of the school curriculum and enrichment activities.
Background: Students study French and German in Year 7 and add Latin in Year 8. At least one language is compulsory in KS4 with over half the year group choosing to continue with at least one language in KS5.
Year 1:
An audit of all staff was carried out to find their skills, interest and links to languages and culture. From this, potential areas for cooperation were analysed. Some lessons already in place were: a Year 7 History lesson using plays in French about Eleanor of Aquitaine and a Year 8 Geography lessons linking with the trip to Germany. A cookery lesson was trialled in French and videoed.
Year 2:
An enrichment activity of making board games was introduced, linking with an internationalism project in Year 7. This project combined languages with Technology and Art and Design as well as incorporating questions on the geography, history, politics and cultural/social aspects of the country. Languages staff delivered lessons on topics from Art, History and Geography which linked to overseas visits. French impressionism was used to promote spontaneous speaking in Year 9 French classes. Year 9 also had lessons on the Armistice on 11th November to link with Year 9 History. Year 9 German classes completed work on the Berlin Wall and life in East Germany to link with work on the Cold War.
Year 3:
The initiatives above were embedded in schemes of work. A twilight session was offered to other schools on the subject of integrating cultural and creative activities in Modern Languages lessons. A presentation will be made to the CCHSG staff in the future. A survey was planned for after the visits to Normandy and Rhineland in June to assess the success of the integration of the subjects as mentioned above.
Evidence: Student and staff surveys.
Impact: The opportunities for CLIL in the school were fairly limited for a variety of reasons, including lack of confidence by teachers to use their languages to deliver their subjects. There was also pressure for all subjects to complete their own courses and a feeling that CLIL might slow down progress. The key successes were the embedded languages lessons linked to a variety of subjects, the involvement of Art, Geography and History teachers in the Year 7 and 8 trips, the Year 7 internationalism activity and the lessons taught by History and Geography teachers.
Reflections: We will continue to use the lessons already developed and to seek ways of integrating subjects into our Languages teaching. We would like to develop a Year 9 trip to combine Science/Technology with a visit to Futuroscope, and will investigate ways of linking a Year 9/10 trip to other subject areas.
Contact: Melanie Gulliver, Head of Modern Foreign Languages,